Hobbies the key, says space engineer

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Hobbies the key, says space engineer
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 17, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - The fame and reputation of being a spacecraft constructor did not prevent Burt Rutan from making a slight gaffe as chief guest at a meeting organized by Özyeğin University to promote its newly established engineering department.

Probably expecting that having the world-renowned American engineer and creator of the first private manned spacecraft, SpaceShipOne on the bill would promote the study of engineering, there was some surprise when Rutan opened his speech at the Grand Cevahir Hotel on Wednesday by saying that for an engineer, education was not really relevant, rather one’s hobbies and interests shaped a career.

Rutan’s speech titled "A life of innovation" was intended to encourage young people from Turkey and abroad to study at technical faculties, as well as popularize entrepreneurship among students. By giving his own example, as well as the example of his company, Rutan said the real inspiration started at early age Ğ ages 3-14 Ğ and the achievements of youth were what drove you through your adult life and gave direction.

Economic crisis
Speaking about the economic crisis, Rutan said that the current condition was no worse than one he faced at the beginning of his career in the 1960s. According to him, difficulties and crises stimulate innovators and might bring breakthroughs in engineering yet. On the other hand, the management of innovators was based both on setting a goal and finding funding for it, which in the current climate may be a great obstacle. Burt Rutan, graduated in aeronautical engineering, worked for the air force and the Bede Test Center before forming the Rutan Aircraft Factory in 1974. The legendary aviation innovator won the Ansari X-Prize for his SpaceShipOne design, which rocketed to a record breaking altitude of 212,000 feet over California on its flight.
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