Gov’t is not interested in solution, says DTP leader Türk

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Gov’t is not interested in solution, says DTP leader Türk
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 23, 2009 00:00

ADANA-Despite the president’s goodwill in seeking a solution to the Kurdish problem, the rest of the political establishment is dragging its feet on the matter, said the co-chairman of the Democratic Society Party, or DTP.

"President Abdullah Gül said ’the Kurdish problem is Turkey’s biggest problem’ and ’good things will happen soon.’ He shows us his goodwill, but despite this we see the government dragging its feet on the matter," Ahmet Türk said at the party’s regional congress in the southern city of Adana over the weekend.

He said the DTP strongly believes the Kurdish problem cannot be solved with violence and that now is the time to make progress.He said the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, and its jailed leader Abdullah Öcalan are willing to lay down arms if a democratic and civilian project exists to solve the Kurdish problem.

"The PKK and Mr. Öcalan say they are ready to lay down arms if a social and democratic project is put forward. We are also able to play a part in finding a solution. We are open to a group consisting of Kurds and Turks getting together to find a solution," Türk said.

"Today all the conditions are right for finding peace. We, as the Kurds, are in a much stronger position than ever, but we want peace," he said.

End to violence

"Since the day we entered politics we have said that the Kurdish problem cannot be solved with violence, guns and conflict. The Kurds are ready for a peaceful solution. However, those that do not want to see democracy in Turkey, those that do not want Kurds to have freedom, have shut their eyes for years and laid the groundwork for all this bloodshed," Türk said."All over the world people that have sought their rights have taken democratic steps and adopted the modern world’s values. But such democracy is not talked about in Turkey," he said. Deputies Sırrı Sakık and Emine Ayna also attended the party congress in Adana.

Türk said the government does not protect democracy and human rights despite coming to power with the people’s will. He said the government does not allocate any time to finding a solution to the Kurdish issue. "We can see that the government is acting like it is blind and deaf. Solving the Kurdish problem will make it stronger and more democratic. We can see and feel that it has become used to not doing anything for its own people and Turkey’s future," Türk said.
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