Glover arrives in Turkey's Antalya without tux

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Glover arrives in Turkeys Antalya without tux
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ekim 16, 2008 13:46

Renowned Hollywood actor, Danny Glover, arrived in Turkey minus his traditional black tie for the screening of his latest film “Blindness” at the 45th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, Turkish Daily News (TDN) wrote on Thursday.

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It was impossible not to notice that the traditional black tie had been replaced by a black tracksuit, when Glover arrived in the southern province of Antalya.

Glover was among the world-renowned stars attending this year’s 45th Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, now in its fifth day.

Arriving in Antalya after a 29-hour flight, Glover was taken by limousine to the Ataturk Culture Center (AKM) for the screening of his 2008 release, "Blindness".

Glover was forced to attend the gala screening in a black tracksuit instead of a black tuxedo after his luggage was lost transferring flights from Frankfurt to Istanbul.

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Festival organizes offered to find him a suit; however Glover declined and walked the red carpet in the more comfortable attire.

Invited to speak ahead of the film showing, Glover said he was very surprised by the number of films being screened at the Golden Orange Film Festival.

"All through my life I have found the chance to discover my own culture when I experience other cultures around the world. These experiences enrich my personality," Glover was quoted by the TDN as saying.

When asked for thoughts on the U.S. presidential race, the actor predicted Barack Obama, the only black man to campaign for the presidency in the country's 232-year history, would win the elections.

“Does his skin color change his ideas? Do you think he has different ideas on Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine?" Glover asked after saying the result the chosen candidate delivers is what is important.

"Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice are also black," he added.

"Blindness," which also features other famous names including Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Gael Garcia Bernal and Alice Braga, has a paradoxical theme: "One can see better when blind," the TDN reported.

 Photo: AA


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