Gila Benyamor: Opening Turkey’s Way With Future Scenarios

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Gila Benyamor: Opening Turkey’s Way With Future Scenarios
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 24, 2004 00:00

“Last weekend, 100 high-ranking personalities from business, academia and politics met in a conference in Antalya Hillside Aqua Hotel and debated on Turkey’s future.”“We need to appreciate ARGE-NMC that organized this 48-hour long brain-storming, a search for tomorrow.” “We learned about the world’s political, economic and technological future and most importantly, about Turkey’s place in the world.” “There were scenarios projecting on Turkey in 2024. Six scenarios, based on EU and Turkey relations, Middle East, U.S.A. and EU relations were prepared. Three positive and three negative scenarios were prepared.”“The results of 6 meetings, based on these scenarios, were similar. Turkey would move forward in those areas: Education, NGOs, Women-Men Equality, Rule of Law, Transparency and Technology.”
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