Güncelleme Tarihi:
"The European Union should give a clear political signal of solidarity and more active humanitarian assistance towards refugees and receive refugees from the region who have some prospects in
About two million people have fled
A survey for the U.N.’s refugee agency, the UNHCR, in March found that 20 percent of Iraqi refugees survive on less than $100 a month, whilst five months earlier the figure was five percent.
The UNHCR warned last month that it would have to reduce or even suspend programs to help them due to a funding shortfall.
"With the funds that we have available, we can help many more people," Slovenian Interior Minister Dragutin Mate, whose country holds the EU’s rotating presidency, said after the meeting.
He said the EU would focus its efforts on more vulnerable people like women and children, but that no precise numbers had been discussed.
"The principle of family unity should be applied as far as possible" in accepting refugees, the document said.
Schauble said he hoped that an EU-wide agreement could be reached by September at the latest, but a senior interior ministry official did not rule out
Six EU countries, mainly
In 2007, 18,559 Iraqis requested asylum in
In the last fiscal year, just 3,040 were admitted.