Germany copes with integration of minorities

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Germany copes with integration of minorities
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 14, 2005 11:13

Following the French riots, all eyes are on Germany as it also suffers from problems of integration of immigrant minorities. Germany must now look at its own immigrants status to avoid a similar situation occurring. Turks remain a separate and unequal population in Germany. "People don't feel accepted," said Safter Cimar, a spokesman for the Turkish Union of Berlin, reported the SanFrancisco Times.

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Germany's immigrant population of Turks, who were brought to the country originally in the 1960s and 70s

The SanFranciso Times reported that, unemployment among Turks in Germany is estimated at 25%, more than twice the national average of 11%, and in Berlin it reaches 42%. About 30% of Turkish students drop out of high school, and another 40% graduate in the hauptschule, or vocational program, which trains them for industrial jobs that are becoming increasingly scarce. Discrimination against Turks and other Muslim immigrants is widely reported to be common in jobs and housing.

Although anger among Turks is rising, most observers don't believe that there will be an explosion of the French type in Germany.

Anger among Turks is rising, although most observers agree that a France-style explosion is unlikely. Cars were burned in Berlin, an echoe of what is happening across France.


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