Hürriyet Daily News
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 21, 2009 00:00
ISTANBUL - Turkish lender Turkish Economy Bank, or TEB, has been revered by Gartner, a leading international advisory company, as a carrier of the innovation culture in banking.
Gartner, which influences 85 percent of technology-related global investments, released a report following a case study on TEB’s innovative activities and picked the bank as an example in global banking.
Speaking at a news conference in Istanbul on Wednesday, TEB Chief Executive Varol Civil said: "As TEB, we created the opportunity to implement innovative and creative ideas. Our main aim is not to invent what has not been invented but to discover the path that goes to creating value.
Accelerating operations
"Through such an understanding, we managed to accelerate our banking operations as well as presenting different and innovative banking services," Civil said.
"As a Turkish bank, we are happy and proud of being a subject for a Gartner case study," said Civil. "If you type the words of ’innovation’ and ’bank’ into the Gartner’s report search engine, TEB would be one of the results. This is what encourages and motivates us to keep focusing on innovation.
"We adopted the concepts of creativity and innovation as corporate culture. With this determination, we attained a sustainable growth drive," he said.
TEB, co-owned by France’s BNP Paribas, reaped $116 million in net income in 2008, representing a year-on-year increase of 27 percent.