Former Iranian leader Hatemi in Konya

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Former Iranian leader Hatemi in Konya
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 15, 2006 10:55

Former Iranian President Muhammed Hatemi, after visiting Istanbul to attend the Alliances of Civilizations conference hosted by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, arrived in the central Turkish city of Konya on Monday evening.

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Settling in the Rixos Hotel in Konya, Hatemi spent yesterday touring historical and touristic sites, stopping off at the Ince Minare Museum to see gravestones from the top officials of the Selcuk State, and then going on to visit the Sems-i Tebriz mosque, named after the man known to be Mevlana's teacher. Hatemi also toured Konya's famous Mevlana museum, stopping to answer reporters' questions.

Hatemi spoke about his upcoming meeting with President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, noting that he was pleased to have been invited by Sezer, and referring to what he called his "friendship" with Sezer. Said Hatemi, "We will focus on many subjects in our meeting. We will touch on many aspects of the relations between Turkey and Iran. We will discuss what needs to be done to end the crisis in the region."

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