Financal crisis affects preferences in tourism

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Financal crisis affects preferences in tourism
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 26, 2008 00:00

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet- The appreciation of the USdollar and the euro against the Turkish lira benefits Turkish tourism companies as foreigners look for cheaper destinations. But domestic tourism will be badly hit, experts say

The global crisis and fluctuations in the exchange rate have highlighted affordable holiday tours and tours geared toward high-income groups as the holiday choices for the coming Feast of the Sacrifice in Turkey.

Around 70,000 people are expected to take holiday tours, domestically and internationally, during the Feast of the Sacrifice from Dec. 6 to 14.

Tour sales are lower than expected for the feast period, said Saadettin Ulubay, chairman of Club İremtur. Around 200,000 people were expected to go on holiday; however the figure is likely to stand at 70,000, he said.

Exchange rates

The sudden rise in exchange rates and the global crisis have affected the demand for tours, Ulubay said. "Short and affordable packages are attractive," he said. "Nearby places, such as Greece and Aegean islands, and countries that do not demand visas, such as Morocco, Tunis and Egypt, are popular. At home, culture tours are in request as they are both affordable and short."

The sector is facing shrinkage, but agencies that offer opportunities and have managed to create brands attract attention, said Prontotur Marketing Manager Sarp Özkar. "A total of 70,000 people will go on holiday at home and abroad. Both affordable and very luxurious tours draw demand," he said. "There are high-price tours costing between 1,100 and 2,000 euros, as well as economy tours worth 139 euros. Italy and Central Europe tours are in demand. Interest in the Balkans has also risen after the television series, "Elveda Rumeli" (Farewell Rumelia).

Regarding domestic tours, Özkar said: "The activity at home is likely to occur at the last minute. Well-priced and short-term culture tours will draw attention. Besides Cyprus packages, winter spots such as Abant and geothermal facilities are popular."

Cenk Okumuş from ETS Tours, also confirmed that interest in cheap tours has risen. "There is high demand for Italy, Egypt and Central Europe. Due to the overlapping of festivals in Spain and Turkey, there are tours for 200 euros to that country."

Middle segment hit

In a similar stance, SETUR sells cheap and luxurious packages. "Purchases by the middle income segment have ground to a halt. We have sold our South America, North America, Japan and Far East tours. In terms of European destinations, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean are drawing interest. In the high-price category, tours start from 500 euros per person and reach up to 2,900 euros," said SETUR’s Gökhan Dedeoğlu.
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