EU Ambassador Kretschmer: Positive Winds From Europe

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EU Ambassador Kretschmer: Positive Winds From Europe
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 27, 2004 10:33

Dr.Hanjörg Kretschmer, the Ambassador of the European Commission to Turkey, is sure that there will be a positive result for Turkey in December 2004, once the Cyprus issue is settled. Gila Benyamor says that “Dr.Kretschmer is not as mediatic as his predecessor, Karen Fogg. I met him two or three times since he was posted to Ankara in the summer of 2002.

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Kretschmer is at the European Commission for 27 years. In an address at a dinner held jointly by the Turkish-American Businessmen, Turkish-Belgian Trade, Turkish-French Trade associations two days ago, he said that, a wind in favor of Turkey was blowing in European capitals since 2002 when he came first to Turkey. The positive winds started blowing when Turkey lifted capital punishment.

“In his address, Kretschmer praised Turkey’s economic reforms and Cyprus policy, saying that Europe will benefit from integrating a stable and democratic Turkey. However, he warned that the membership process would be strained .”

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