Ertugrul Ozkok: Turkey's ruling AKP deputy focuses only on imprisoning

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Ertugrul Ozkok: Turkeys ruling AKP deputy focuses only on imprisoning
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Eylül 23, 2008 11:19

Take a look at what one deputy from the ruling Justice and Development Party says: "It will not surprise me if police arrive one day at six o’clock in one morning and take away Aydin Dogan (the owner of Dogan Holding)."

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This is definitely not going to happen.

He probably finished off this statement by saying:   Â

"It would please me greatly."


Do you see the contradiction with the "Copenhagen Chapter" made by this impertinent deputy, in a country that continues with its accession talks for European Union membership?

He would be overjoyed to see the police take into custody of the owner of Turkey's biggest media group.

At least his party's chair only calls for "a boycott against the media group’s publications".

Even democracy can not bear the shame of this call for a boycott, but this deputy goes one step further to call for the police.

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* * *

Another ruling AKP deputy says that Aydin Dogan purchased Turkey's Disbank for a few cents and sold it a month later for $1.5 billion.

He claims that he conducted this transaction with a loan taken from Turkey's Is Bank.

On first hearing this claim, the inevitable reaction is surprise and to think this "is really too much."

Isn’t he trying to say, according to his calculation, that Aydin Dogan earned $1.4 billion from Is Bank in just one month?

It is impossible to correct this outrageous claim as it involves three separate aspersions in one sentence.

Which of these will you disclaim?

"He sold the bank a month later," he claims...

But Dogan sold Disbank 11 years after the initial purchase.

The difference, 10 years and 11 months...

How ridiculous and outrageous the accusations

The deputy who makes mathematical calculations by counting his fingers continues his aspersions:

He claims that Dogan "sold for $1.5 billion."

No, he sold it for $1.1 billion.

The difference, $400 million... But, does it make a difference to him?

Since he is not satisfied with these lies he continues with a third.

He claims Dogan "purchased the bank with monies loaned from Is Bank."

He says this as if it is a major crime.

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He would be ashamed to see the list of media companies that have taken loans from Is Bank.

He makes the claim that Dogan took a loan from Is Bank, but in fact, no funds were ever received from the bank on behalf of this business.

* * *

As I have already mentioned, one sentence and three serious aspersions cast.

With the support of the prime minister's call for a boycott saying "do not to allow these newspapers to enter your homes."

The sheikh has issued an order; do you think it is likely that his followers would remain silent?

If sheiks simply say the word strike, then their followers kill.

This is the number one rule of a brownnoser.

The prime minister ended the attack.

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But there is a rise in the level of attacks from those who feel that they need to do something.

The person holding the knife cuts not only the newspapers, but the owners and the journalists.

For years we have debated and condemned the use of military might to intervene in politics.

Admittedly this is an intervention into democracy, but what about the suppression of the media that you view as having opposing views; taking cheap shots from behind the armor of immunity; asserting every effort to destroy all those who do not support you. Do you see these as democratic acts?

If you wish, let’s address the Copenhagen Criteria guide book and see what it says on the subject.

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