Ertugrul Ozkok: Turkey's narrow-minded approach to fraud case

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Ertugrul Ozkok: Turkeys narrow-minded approach to fraud case
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Eylül 05, 2008 10:57

I follow the ongoing Deniz Feneri case in Germany with an enormous sense of dismay.

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The confessions made before the courts in Frankfurt and the statements from the prosecutor and expert witnesses in the case both surprised and horrified me.

But I was more shocked and alarmed when I saw the atmosphere that certain circles in Turkey were trying to create regarding this case.

Do you know what these circles focus on?

They say that the Dogan Group had made an application for a television channel.

And that this application had been denied.

And they claim that this is reason that we are following the news related to the chairman of the Radio and Television Supreme Council, Zahid Akman so closely.

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There is nothing left to say at this point...

They act is if we raised the claims leading to this case.

It is as if those people, who exploited society’s generous nature, did not take any of the donated funds for themselves.

Monthly payments in the thousands of euros were regularly distributed to certain individuals from donated funds.

And they react as if we made these claims; there is nothing more to say at this point.

If nothing else, I would expect them not to treat the public as if they were complete fools.

*   *   *

The ruling in the case will be handed down by a court in Germany.

In a state governed by the rule of law.

Where an austere judicial body exists.

The prosecutor asserts the allegations.

The expert witness says, "Yes, millions of euros were used outside of the purpose for which they were collected and transferred to a sister company in Turkey."

He also submitted all the relevant documents to the court.

You are trying to make fools out of Turkey by attempting to divert them from the enormity of the case and present the circumstances surrounding Zahid Akman as a smaller irrelevant case.

There is nothing I can say... At least these lies should not be circulated on this holy day of Ramadan.

Show some respect and a little humanity...

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Show a little respect for those you have robbed and duped.

Instead of casting aspersions on the newspapers that dare to publish reports of the case currently before the court, call on the conscience of the thieves who were involved in this corruption.

What prevents you from doing this?

The brotherhood of the sect?

Perhaps, you are also benefiting from this theft?

*   *   *

An imminent tragedy faces a country that divides its consciousness into ideological camps and when these sectarian views become narrow-minded in their outlook.


If we are unable to even unite against emotional exploiters, and instead dare to continue to support our cheating brothers, then society has reached a new low and there is nothing more for society to do but seek God's help.

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What is more, we should not only protect and maintain our rights and the law, but also our religion and beliefs from those who use the name of God and the prophet to emotionally swindle innocent people.

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