Güncelleme Tarihi:
Yalcin Kucuk was speaking.
I understood that once again he was talking about me.
My friend said: "But this time it is different. He sentenced you to death on a live broadcast."
* * *
Yesterday morning I recalled this while watching the news of a police search on Yalcin Kucuk's home. He wrote pages long articles about me, insulted me, and accused me of being a spy.
And the things he did were dangerous.
In all sincerity, I ached as I watched his home being search.
I consider accusing Yalcin Kucuk of staging a coup, of being a member of Ergenekon, as absurd and tragic.
Because he is a person who speaks constantly, who says and writes what's on his mind.
You can call him "insane". But saying he is a member of Ergenekon is absurd and tragic.
Then I ask myself. What is the real target of the Ergenekon case? Is it to unveil a crime organization or to shut this country up?
Who can say that
* * *
A new wave of Ergenekon began just one day after very interesting and serious claims emerged regarding a land transaction that included
Anyhow, when you look at days on which the past Ergenekon waves took place, you see there is always something else going on.
When you look back on those days your confidence in the case is shaken.
While to the contrary, every wise citizen, just like you, wanted to believe that this case would bring to light some criminal organizations.
Unfortunately the course of the case doesn't look as though it will turn out that way.