Ertugrul Ozkok: Is it so hard for Turkey's leaders to extend a hand?

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Ertugrul Ozkok: Is it so hard for Turkeys leaders to extend a hand
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Temmuz 29, 2008 12:30

**Just imagine the scene at Ataturk Airport; two waiting lounges, both just 10 meters apart.

Haberin Devamı

Should one take a single step forward, the other would be forced to as well.

Should one extend his hand, the other couldn’t just leave it hanging in the air.

But it doesn’t happen.

All around us, the bodies of 17 people lie.

Eighteen, if you count the unborn baby still inside its mother’s womb.

The country is grieving.

A nation is mourning its dead.

* * *

And at the main airport; the country’s prime minister and head of the opposition party…

But that first step, the first step we were all waiting for, just didn’t take place.

Perhaps neither of them has the courage,

Perhaps they still harbor anger and resentment that shackles their legs and binds their hands.

Whereas we needed to see this.

**That neighborhood, where the bombing took place, we needed to see the image of united leaders.

* * *

Haberin Devamı

**We were expecting for a voice to come from the site.

A strong voice:

"The case among us and this completely differ from each other. To you, the backstabbing terrorist, this nation will firmly stand against you with its workers, officers, the citizens of our cities and towns, the ruling party and the main opposition, men, women, and children, no matter who are you are and where you come from."

But it didn’t happen.

* * *

**Even I want not to see; I notice those waiting lounges whenever I pass by.

The distance between two of them is only 10 meters.

10 steps.

At each step I feel like placing a picture of the babies killed.

I want to transform that VIP lounge into a gallery for the innocent babies.

Just to make one of them see and to offer his hand.

What is this common language and flag for, if a hand is not offered when we are living through such days?

Then, what for does this national pact count for?

Where is "our sky" under which we all stand...Â

The sky from which the body of a baby is present in each star....

Perhaps the sky is not what we thought; could it be just a set from a film?

Yesterday I was very saddened.

I was deeply aggrieved.

And I asked myself a question.

Is it so difficult to extend a hand?

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