Erotic films to be replaced by galas

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Erotic films to be replaced by galas
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 05, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - Rüya, the only movie theater in Beyoğlu’s Istiklal Avenue that screened erotic films, will now screen major motion pictures. After a renovation that upgraded everything, the movie theater is preparing to host galas.

Political fluctuations and economic problems that emerged at the end of 1970s hit the cinema industry, among other leisure industries, hard. Many movie theaters were forced to close while others, such as the Rüya began to screen erotic films to survive.

After facing severe economic problem difficulties, the cinema industry went through a stable period for a long time following the 1980 military coup. At that time, most movie theaters were located in Beyoğlu’s Istiklal Avenue. Although the Rüya Movie Theater was the leading theater in the area, it began to show erotic films after facing severe economic difficulties, and then others such as the Alkazar, Atlas and Elhamra movie theaters followed suit.

At the beginning of 1990s, movie theaters on Istiklal Avenue started to screen major motion pictures again, but Rüya continued showing erotic films, and did so for over 20 years. Recently, however, the movie theater was given a face-lift and renamed "Yeni Rüya." From now on, the 1,000-person capacity theater will screen major motion pictures. The projection and sound systems of the theater have been upgraded with modern technologies and the theater itself has been renovated.

Speaking to the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review, Fırat Dilbaz, owner of the theater, said, "We started the movement of theaters screening erotic films and now we are ending it. In this way, it is an end of an era."

Cine Majestik
The movie theaters owned by the Dilbaz family are not limited to the Rüya. They also own the Cine Majestik Movie Theater in Beyoğlu. "Cine Majestik has five halls. We have renovated Rüya with the earnings from these halls," said Dilbaz, adding that even the seats of the movie theater had been upgraded.

Yeni Rüya Movie Theater’s first screening was of Özcan Alper’s "Sonbahar." Dilbaz said the first guests of the theater had asked them why they hid such a beautiful movie theater from them for such a long time. He said, "The movie theater will be one of the best theaters in Beyoğlu in a very short time. We are sure about that."

In order to draw cinema lovers to Yeni Rüya, the Dilbaz family will apply a price policy for a few weeks. As part of the policy, discounted prices will be 5 Turkish liras and full price will be 7 liras.

Dilbaz said producers, directors and distributors, who had heard about the renovation, had come to the movie hall, and they planned to organize galas for the opening of Turkish movies there.
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