Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 10, 2005 00:00
Turkey's internal and external politics are completely tied to the US and the EU, while its economy is tied to the IMF. It is not possible for us to make a decision based on our own free will. This is what is repeated so often to Turkey, which is sitting right in the middle of their laps: "Good for you, you guys. Everything is going so well. Be just like that, but don't do anything we don't say. Otherwise you'll be sorry." We are re-living the embarassing "capitulation" period which characterized the last period of the Ottoman Empire. Commisers from various countries' and organizations' "capitulation committees" use their individual directives to guide us according to their best interests. The First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, Anne Krueger, was in Ankara a few days ago. She said this: "The minimal wages are very high." I couldn't believe my ears. Millions of Turkish citizens try to make it to the end of the month on 350 million Turkish Lira. Think of a three person family. This money has to be used for food, drink, electricity, water, transportation, and rent. It is not possible. It is not humane. Â Which is why our country is seeing such a rise in robbery, purse-snatchings, hold-ups....Because people and families are hungry. Jobless rates are at horrific levels. The minimum wage does not fill the stomachs of millions of our citizens. Why? Because according to government figures, the poverty level in Turkey is measured at 528 Turkish Lira. Â And to us, as we sit comfortably in the lap of the IMF, they can say this: "The minimum wage rate is too high." It is incredible disrespect to the Turkish people. But is there any reaction from the government to these words? No! Â It is like Marie Antoinette's directive to the French people when the complaint came to her before the Revolution that the people couldn't find any bread to eat. "Let them eat cake." Â No country should ever become dependent on another. This is what happens when it does. Shows of disrespect on one hand, while on they other, they mock your situation. This is the price we pay for sitting in their laps! Â Â