Dozens killed as Qaeda boss seized

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Dozens killed as Qaeda boss seized
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 24, 2009 00:00

BAGHDAD - The Iraqi military announced the capture of the man they said was the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq yesterday, as at least 73 people were killed in two bloody suicide bombings.

"Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was arrested today in Baghdad," Baghdad security spokesman Major General Qasim Atta said. "It was Iraqi forces who arrested him based on an intelligence tip-off from someone."

Baghdadi is said to be the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, a self-styled umbrella organization for al-Qaeda affiliated insurgent groups fighting U.S. and Iraqi forces.

He has been reported captured or killed several times in the past.

But the U.S. military claims there is nobody called Baghdadi in the Islamic State of Iraq, and that it is merely an Internet-based organization. The Iraqi military's announcement came amid a surge in bloodshed in two attacks yesterday. In the deadliest strike, at least 45 people, including Iranian pilgrims, were killed when a suicide bomber struck a restaurant in a town northeast of Baghdad, a military official said.

Another 28 people, including children, were killed in a suicide attack on a police patrol in southeastern Baghdad, defense and interior ministry officials said. In Muqdadiyah northeast of Baquba, at least 45 people were killed and 55 wounded in the attack on the restaurant, which was packed with Iranian pilgrims on their way to Karbala south of Baghdad.

In southeastern Baghdad, another 28 people were killed in the attack on a police patrol in the mixed district of Al-Riyadh, officials said. "Iraqi police were distributing aid to displaced families when a suicide bomber blew himself up," an interior ministry official said. "At least 10 police and five children are among 28 dead." Fifty-two people were also wounded in the blast, defense and interior ministry officials said.
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