Diary of events for Obama inauguration

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Diary of events for Obama inauguration
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 20, 2009 18:04

Official festivities Tuesday marking the historic inauguration of Barack Obama as the first African-American president of the United States:

Haberin Devamı

-- 8:40 am (1340 GMT) - Obama attends a morning worship service, a tradition that began with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.
-- 9:55 am (1455 GMT) - Obama and first-lady-to-be Michelle Obama meet President George W. Bush and Laura Bush at the White House. The couples, along with vice president-elect Joe Biden and his wife Jill, have coffee with congressional officials before proceeding together to the US Capitol for the swearing-in ceremonies.
-- 10:00 am (1500 GMT) - Festivities begin on the west front of the US Capitol. Events include musical selections by the US Marine Band, children’s choruses, Aretha Franklin, composer John Williams with violinist Itzhak Perlman and cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and the US Navy Band.
-- 11:30 am (1630 GMT) - Formal program begins. Conservative pastor Rick Warren gives the invocation.
-- 11:46 am (1646 GMT) - Vice president-elect Joe Biden is sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts.
-- 11:56 (1656 GMT) - Obama takes the oath of office using President Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural Bible during the swearing-in ceremony on the steps of the US Capitol. He will then give his inaugural address at noon. Expected to last about 20 minutes.
-- Poet Elizabeth Alexander to read a poem she has composed for the occasion.
-- 12:30 pm (1730 GMT) - Obama escorts outgoing President George W. Bush to a departure ceremony.
-- Obama, Biden and their families attend a luncheon in the Statuary Hall of the US Capitol along with about 200 guests. The luncheon menu is inspired by the tastes of President Abraham Lincoln.
-- 2:30 pm (1930 GMT) - The 56th Inaugural Parade travels down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House with the participation of groups from across the United States.
-- 7:00 pm (0000 GMT) to around midnight (0500 GMT) - official and unofficial inaugural balls across Washington.
The Presidential Inaugural Committee hosts 10 official inaugural balls:
* The first-ever Neighborhood Inaugural Ball, open to Washington residents and the general public. Using interactive technology, the inauguration team will link this ball with other community balls across the nation.
* Commander-in-Chiefs Inaugural Ball in honor of US active duty and reserve military. Purple Heart recipients, families of military killed in combat and spouses of deployed military. Closed to the public.
* Youth Inaugural Ball for ages 18 to 35.
* Obama Home States Inaugural Ball with guests invited by Obama’s home states of Illinois and Hawaii.
* Biden Home States Inaugural Ball for guests invited by Delaware and Pennsylvania.
* Eastern Inaugural Ball for guests invited by Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
* Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball for guests invited by Maryland, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Wyoming, Washington, DC and Democrats Abroad.
* Midwest Inaugural Ball for guests invited by Kansas, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Missouri.
* Southern Inaugural Ball for guests invited by Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.
* Western Inaugural Ball for guests invited by Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, Utah, Guam and American Samoa.

Wednesday, January 21
-- 9:00 am (1400 GMT) - President Obama and Vice President Biden participate in a prayer service.
-- The Obamas have invited people to sign up for an open house day at the White House to mark Barack Obama’s first full day in office.

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