Compromise on IHLs and YOK

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Compromise on IHLs and YOK
OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Ekim 15, 2003 00:00

PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that they will overcome problems over the vocational schools and higher education by consensus and will then forward the motion to Parliament. After receiving Inter-University Board Chairman Prof.Dr.Ayhan Alkis and the rectors, PM Erdogan said that the "Mini-motion" about vocational schools and Preachers' high schools (IHL) will be handled by the Parliamentary Education Commission tomorrow.  "Of course, while forwarding this bill, our objective is to bring down later on to Parliament, a higher education board (YOK) law which suits the contemporary university norms.        "After discussing this bill tomorroq I think that, an infrastructure to pave way to a social consensus will be formed and steps will be taken accordingly." Erdogan said that some attempted to fish in muddy waters but "The water is not muddy this time; it is very bright and there is no sense in stirring it."   PROF. DR. ALKIÅž: POSITIVE Inter-University Board Chairman Prof.Dr. Ayhan Alkış, said that they have reached an agreement with the government to handle the Vocational Schools motion with the motion on higher education.   Prof. Dr. Alkış, said that their meeting with the Prime Minister had been a positive one and "Agreement was attained in handling the issue within the scope of the whole issue. That is to say that, we are starting from scrap. " Rector of the Middle East Technical University Prof. Dr. Ural Akbulut said that, they have told the Prime Minister that  the motion of the government which equipped IHLs with extra points in entering university was against the Constitution.He also said that "The intention readers will be dissapointed because we aim at improving our university a middle education  which has attained global values." Erdogan went on to say that "Those talking about "The ones which brough the preachers' schools menace to Turkey are talking in a very ugly, cornered manner. It was not us, but the other governments who started these schools. Besides these schools date back to Ataturk. "    Erdogan said he was also a graduate of these schools and will launch law suits against those talking this way.  Â
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