OluÅŸturulma Tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 00:00
Though still in shock from results of the September 18 elections, political parties in Germany have also begun talks hoping to lead up to a coalition in Berlin. In power since 1998, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Green Party (GP), despite having lost their majority, are in Berlin talking to analyze the situation as well as to enter into dialogue with the Free Democrats Party (FDP) about a possible coalition.SDP MP leader Franz Muntefering has said that the SDP will enter into coalition talks with most parties outside of the Left Party. Â At the same time, the CDU/CSU parties, having captured a majority vote, though not enough to escape from having to form a coalition, have also entered into talks with the Free Democrats. Tomorrow, the CDU/CSU block is planning on talking with the Green Party. MP group leader for the CDU/CSU parliament members, Wolfgang Schaeuble, has said that he supports the idea of a coalition with the Greens and the Free Democrats, or a "Jamaica coalition," as it's been nicknamed for the flag colors it would bring together. Â