Anatolian Agency
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 09, 2009 00:00
ANKARA - Environment Minister Veysel Eroğlu calls on the leaders of political parties to have an environment friendly election campaign. He urges the use of electronic technology instead of conventional methods of distributing leaflets and calls for the use of recyclable material.
Calls to leaders of political parties to conduct their election campaigns in an environmentally friendly manner have been made by Environment and Forestry Minister Veysel Eroğlu.
Eroğlu conveyed his wish for an environmentally friendly campaign in a written statement Friday in which he also said he hoped the campaign would take place in an atmosphere of tolerance, love and fraternity.
Eroğlu said he was expecting support from leaders of political parties on the issue and asked them to instruct their party organs to be environmentally sensitive during the campaign.
Eroğlu said any action or behavior that could harm the health of people or the environment should be avoided in campaigns.
The minister said preventing noise pollution, the reduction of propaganda material, such as flyers, brochures, posters, flags and bunting, and preference for the use of recyclable materials would be important for the protection of the environment and developing environmental awareness. When asking leaders to avoid the unnecessary use of bulletins, brochures and envelopes, Eroğlu said electronic means should be used for propaganda.
"Posters and bunting should not be hung or glued anywhere but election offices and locations municipalities allow it. Wall hangings, such as posters, should be hung or glued in spots where election commissions of counties and provinces will see them," said Eroğlu in his statement.
Privately owned buildings and residences, state buildings and official agencies, historic and tourism buildings, schools, temples, monuments, traffic signs, street lamps, streets and sideways, unless owners allowed it, were other places Eroğlu called on leaders to avoid for the use of propaganda.
Eroğlu’s written statement called for propaganda material not to be casually thrown out of vehicles or planes onto streets or squares.
The statement also requested announcements that provided the necessary information on environmental awareness to be made by councils that monitor open air conventions.
Materials, such as posters and flags, should be collected at the end of rallies and measures should be taken to collect materials as part of waste removal and recycling systems.
Eroğlu’s statement was also sensitive to noise pollution. Eroğlu asked campaigners not to exceed the appropriate limits in the protocol to control noise pollution. Avoiding the use of noisy vehicles and not causing extra noise pollution by horns or similar devices were other requests made by the minister to prevent noise. Minister Eroğlu added that not abiding by the regulations set out in the statement would be punishable by legal means.