British actor in Fethiye

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British actor in Fethiye
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 05, 2009 00:00

MUĞLA - British actor Mike Mitchell, known as an iron man, lives in the Aegean town of Fethiye in the district of Muğla and wants to make a film there.

The world champion bodybuilder is preparing for a new film to be shot in the Ölüdeniz. "Turkey brings me luck. I have improved my career in Turkey. I have played in three films and a TV series. I will start making two films next month," said Mitchell.

Mitchell, who won the top award for Turkey at the Moscow Body Championship in 2007, said he was very proud of his achievement.

Mitchell said he invited a British film producer to Turkey last summer, "He admired the environment and a scenario will be written in this environment. It is my biggest dream to make a Turkish film in Turkey and take part in its Istanbul gala."
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