Bodrum annuls night tariff

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Bodrum annuls night tariff
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 30, 2009 00:00

BODRUM - Taxis in Bodrum will not adopt a higher night-time tariff in an attempt to minimize complaints and increase the quality of the town’s transportation service.

The Bodrum Chamber of Commerce, the Bodrum Chamber of Drivers and the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies, or TURSAB, signed an agreement on Monday to end different taxi rates. Mehmet Güner, Bodrum Chamber of Drivers chairman, said the organizations came together to put an end to the irregularities in the sector. "To help our clients’ budgets, we have decided to cancel the night tariff, which started at midnight and was 50 percent more expensive than the regular," he said.

The main problem the sector has is unregistered taxis, Güner said, adding that illegal cabs resulted in unfair competition, as they do not pay taxes or other fees. The illegal cabs are a source of complaints from the tourists as the cars and the drivers are not under any controls, he added.

Despite the annulment of the night-time tariff, taxi prices in Bodrum are still expensive. The pick-up price is three Turkish Liras, and 1.5 Turkish Liras are added for each kilometre. In Istanbul, the pick-up price is two Turkish Liras and each subsequent kilometer costs an additional 1.3 lira.
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