Aygün lashes out at banks

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Aygün lashes out at banks
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 30, 2008 00:00

ANKARA - Sinan Aygün, president of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce, or ATO, lashed out at Turkish banks yesterday, claiming he will name banks which call back credits.

Speaking in the capital, Aygün claimed even companies which have as much as YTL 1 million as collateral cannot find YTL 100 million in credits when they need it.

Reminding Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s words that "banks have started kicking the real sector," Aygün said "these kicks must stop."

The real sector is "the only customer" for banks, Aygün added. "When rail falls and you take away our umbrella, when snow falls and you cut our gasoline, we will [remind you of these] in good times." Banks are treating some businessmen as if "they have AIDS," he claimed. Starting from next week, he will organize press conferences "with bank customers whose credits were called back and their families," Aygün said.
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