Animals in need feel British support

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Animals in need feel British support
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 18, 2009 00:00

ÇEŞME, İzmir - Known as a leading shelter in Turkey, Çeşme Animal Shelter gained 24 new sections dedicated to helping baby animals with the support of British animal lovers.

The new additions to the shelter were opened with a ceremony attended by the Royal Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or RSPCA, International Relations Administrator David Bowles, Çeşme Nature and Animal Lovers and Protectors’ Associaition, or ÇDHSKD, President Semra Çetinsoy, Çeşme Gov. Nazmi Günlü and Çeşme Mayor Faik Tütüncüoğlu.

Çetinsoy said that the shelter’s additional 24 sections, which will be used for abandoned baby animals, were built with the support of the RSPCA. "An average of eight baby animals will be protected in each newly added section. There is also a 20-square-meter garden. We built these new sections with the financial support of our British friends, under the condition that the shelter bought catching cages for dogs and cats. Our aim is to improve the living conditions of animals in the shelter."

Bowles, making a speech at the opening ceremony, said that he was observing work to protect street animals and the effort to help these animals has increased in the last few years. "We, the RSPCA, financially supported the Çeşme Animal Shelter and today we are pleased to see the fruit of our support. Animals’ health is as important as humans’ health. The first aim of these shelters is to keep animals healthy. These efforts can be successful with the support of the state and local administrations and nongovernmental organizations. We will keep supporting this shelter," said Bowles.

Çetinsoy called on animal lovers and said that many dogs and cats were waiting for the support of animal lovers to give them a warm home.
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