All eyes on critical Cyprus law suit

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All eyes on critical Cyprus law suit
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 21, 2005 13:51

The European Court of Human Rights will make a decision on Thursday over a complaint that was registered by a Greek Cypriot national Myra Ksenides-Arestis, who has no access to her house in Magosa, She maintains that she has been prevented from living in her home or using her property – in Magosa in Northern Cyprus – since August 1974, as a result of the continuing division of Cyprus. She complains of a continuing violation of her rights under Articles 8 (right to respect for private and family life) and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (protection of property).

Haberin Devamı

Turkey had been convicted to pay nearly $2 million compensations n a similar suit filed by Greek Cypriot Titiana Loizidou. Turkey had refused to pay the compensations stirring a crisis in the Council of Europe.

The decision of the European Court of Human Rights must decide whether to recognize the new property regulations passed by the Turkish Cypriot parliament.

The ruling about the complaint of Myra Ksenides-Arestis is critical for 2,000 other similar complaints filed by Greek Cypriots.

In any case the Eurocourt is expected to convict Turkey for violation of article 8 and article 1 of protocol No 1 in the light of the ruling made about Loizidou.

Nevertheless, at the same time the court is expected to urge Turkey to hammer a formula for dealing with the issue. The court is not expected to condemn Turkey to pay compensations, Hürriyet notes.
the paper notes that in line with the proposal of the Eurocourt, the Turkish Cypriot parliament has passed a law for the return of property to Greek Cypriot owners.

Haberin Devamı

The new regulation will be legitimized tomorrow with the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights. The paper says that n this way Turkey will deal a heavy blow on the Greek Cypriots. (Hürriyet )


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