Alanya Became Our Refuge

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Alanya Became Our Refuge
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 02, 2004 12:20

Danish Angelina Sömsen took refuge in Turkey town Alanya with her six children, after being beaten and abused by her alchoholic husband. "What I saw here was humanity," she said.

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Sömsen, 33 was the beautiful daughter of a rich family. But her life in Alanya right now is pitiful. Sömsen who has seven children ranging between the ages one and 13. The father of Yasmine, 3 and Kimberley,1, is a Turkish and Danish citizen Ilyas Caylak. The Turkish boy friend  who was a drug addict, stole 9 thousand Euro and dissapeared when the family was tarveling to Turkey. Angelina had to settle in a home in Alanya without paying any rent to the tenants who pitied them. However Sömsen later on accused the tenant of raping her daughter.

The woman was also wanted by Interpol on grounds of car theft and she was detained. The van in question was stolen by Ilyas Caylak. Angelina and her children are unable to leave Turkey at the moment because  of the van.  The merchants of Alanya are looking after Angelina and her children at the moment. Even though swindled by Caylak, Angelina finds Turks as very good people. "When you plead help from a Turk, many other rush. There is no such thing in Europe" she says.

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