Akbank to set up a new operations center

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Akbank to set up a new operations center
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 21, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - Akbank, the country's biggest bank in market value, is getting ready to invest $125 million to open a new operations center in Gebze, an industrial district located east of Istanbul.

Turkey will be one of the first countries to lift its head above the water, when it comes to the crisis, said Hakan Binbaşgil, Akbank deputy general manager. "However, we need to be realistic. Our generation has been through many crises. This one has arrived from abroad. It would be impossible for Turkey to overcome the crisis on its own. This battle has to be fought together. Turkey will heal together with the world."

The operations center Akbank is establishing will generate employment for 5,000 people, he said. "Akbank does not want to walk away from its long-term plans. We have not suspended infrastructure investments. This is an important investment. The construction of the center will be completed next year."

Akbank aims to become a leader in retail banking, said Binbaşgil. "We may implement some interest rate reductions to help revive the country’s economy," he said. "There is a serious decline in mortgage and automotive demands."

"Looking at the general figures for 2008, the [banking] industry has been some growth. Although there has been a decline in demand, as per Dec. 19, 2008, the figures still show 24 percent growth in consumer loans compared to the same period a year earlier."

One of the troubles the country will have to face this year will be problematic loans, said Binbaşgil.

"Currently Turkey does not have a big problem with delinquent loans, which stand at 3 percent right now. However, there is a slight increase [in problematic loans]. This figure may grow this year. We need to be cautious."
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