A Satirical Case

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A Satirical Case
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 18, 2003 00:00

When florist Bulent Ulusoy hang to the wall of his shop a poet, criticizing the anti-Kemalists, he became the subject of a legal case and he is now facing a prison term from 1 to 3 years of "Insulting Ataturk."Ulusoy will stand trial in July for the poem which was presented to him by a client who said that it belonged to famous Turkish poet Neyzen Tevfik. Ulusoy expressed his feelings by saying that "I am utterly astonished because this poem was written against the enemies of Ataturk. However I have faith in justice and believe that I will be acquitted."   His attorney said that Ulusoy who was a florist for four years was a respected person who was known for his Kemalist views. The poem which was hung on the wall of Ulusoy's shop, read; "You Scoundrel ! What is your business betwen the God and Me? Who are you to ask whether I fast?  If you have no eyes on the forbidden, Why do you ask those open-headed, about the turban?Is it your business if I drink Raki and wine?  If we both come to the Sirat BridgeI will pass over it  if I am honest, even if I am drunk Is worshipping possible when you are hostage? You just keep on praying for Ataturk This people will get alienated from their religion because of such scoundrels as you Never forget the days of invasion Refrain from insulting Ataturk You would then still be born by your mother but You would never knew who was your fatherÂ
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