A German twist to Turkish belly dance

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A German twist to Turkish belly dance
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 19, 2009 10:39

FETHİYE - Fethiye is embarking on a new and interesting tourism trend. German women wanting to learn how to belly dance are coming to Fethiye twice a year to add a bit of something else to their holidays.

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Leyla Jouvana owns a dance school in Fethiye and is currently giving belly dance lessons to German ladies, some of whom as old as 60. The group of German women currently taking the course includes a host of professions, including journalists, doctors and teachers. Many of whom now come to Fethiye twice a year so they can have both dancing lessons and holiday.

Yugoslav belly dancer and dance teacher Jouvana, with her team, is teaching the finer points of belly dancing to 40 German women at her school. Once the course has been completed, the women will take part in a yacht tour. Pointing out that she learned belly dancing in Egypt, Jouvana said she had been belly dancing for 16 years and took lessons from the famous belly dancer Asena in order to strengthen her skills.

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A perfect method to overcome stress

Jouvena, talking about the courses, said that belly dancing was also a method to overcome stress. "The students forget their problems when they are learning how to dance. They receive positive energy and get rid of stress." The owner of Tara Travel, Tara Dagmer Rummel, who organized this group of German women, said they had been coming to Fethiye twice in a year to mix holidays with belly wobbling.

One student, 53-year-old journalist Kern Therese explained why she was taking the courses: "I am learning belly dancing in order to expose my womanhood and femaleness." 26-year-old sales representative Melanie Giesler said that she was taking belly dancing because of her bad back. "When I belly dance, I get rid of the stress and I forget everything." Carola Struck, 51, said she felt as if she were free when she belly danced. "I am listening to the voice of my heart when I belly dance. This is the fourth time I have taken part in this group, " Struck said.

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