A Bird’s Eye View: Lame duck to shoe duck

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A Bird’s Eye View: Lame duck to shoe duck
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 27, 2008 00:00

The revolution of the lost generation is continuing in Greece while solidarity movements have been created in most European countries as well as in the United States and Canada. The actions of the students have become less violent and more population friendly.

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They occupied the Acropolis where they put gigantic banners calling for resistance and they briefly occupied the National Television station and prevented the news from being shown. The demonstrations and protests continue against a system that seems unable to understand and effectively cope with the problems faced by the lost generation.

As the global financial crisis continues to spread, so does the international student protest with the possibility that it may reach global proportions, as thousands more people are laid off on a daily basis. Even Sarkozy mentioned two weeks ago that the student protests in Greece could spread to France. And as for Greece, what more can we say? One possible way out of the impasse would be the creation of a grand coalition that would include all the political parties represented in Greek parliament today.

In this way all political parties would assume their political responsibilities to solve the outstanding problems of the lost generation. But knowing how human politicians adore staying in power, we doubt that this will happen.

Best farewell visit
The Bush man ended his farewell visit to Baghdad in the best possible way. An Iraqi journalist at a press conference threw a pair of shoes at him. The outgoing U.S. President reacted effectively and ducked, thus becoming from a lame duck, a shoe duck. Which makes the journalist a sabot auteur instead of a saboteur. But seriously speaking now, what was not heard is what the journalist said while throwing his shoes. He said that he was acting on behalf of the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq. It was a statement that should make all U.S. humans think seriously.

And what was the U.S. President's reaction? He said, "It was a bizarre moment. But I've had other bizarre moments in the Presidency." Of course he had, like falling off his bike many times. The Iraqi journalist has become a hero in the Arab world and we must not be surprised if one day he becomes prime minister of Iraq. It was also he who discovered the effective weapons of mass destruction that the United States has been looking for since 2003. If all Iraqis were to throw their shoes simultaneously at the U.S. President, the result could be fatal. But fortunately you humans in your wisdom have invented an Internet game that may be found on www.sockandawe.com that allows humans to throw as many shoes as they want at the U.S. President and thus vent their frustrations. This might also be a good idea for the students in Greece. Which brings us to another issue. How will presidential press conferences be conducted now? Barefoot or in the nude? Presumably the Secret Service will oblige journalists to strip and wear burlap bags during future press conferences by the U.S. President.

Ponder our thoughts dear humans, for your benefit.

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