A Bird’s Eye View : Greed, and just honest greed

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A Bird’s Eye View : Greed, and just honest greed
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 06, 2009 00:00

Another setback for Obama’s liberal policies: This one concerns the closing of Guantanamo Bay prison. The Senate, a few weeks ago, with a 90 to 6 vote, withheld the $80 million needed to close the facility because the administration failed to provide information about where the detainees would go.

It would be obvious to us that any convicted detainees would go to the United States to serve out their time there, since they were abducted and tortured by U.S. forces. Those who are innocent would be allowed to return to their countries of origin, or to other countries if they feel threatened in their own. And if U.S. humans feel threatened by having convicted terrorists doing time in their country, the administration could spend more money to reopen Alcatraz, an old prison on an island in the San Francisco Bay that is currently a museum. Only one person ever managed to escape from that island.

But what we cannot understand is why $80 million is needed to close the prison. You stop paying maintenance costs and the prison closes automatically. The expense of removing the military personnel is covered by the normal Pentagon budget. The prisoners too can be transferred by boat or aircraft to the mainland under normal Pentagon expenditures, unless they are going to travel first class. As for the material that is there, well, let it rot, since that will cost less than moving it. Once again, it seems that some humans are trying to make money Ğ and that by doing so they are preventing the closure of the jail. So we agree with the Senate decision, but for different reasons. We do not think that the amount is necessary.

Some airlines are greedy, but also stupid. Read this: Qantas Airways will begin charging more next month for an exit-row seat with extra legroom. The price will be an additional $62 to $124. Now, our question is, are there human passengers willing to pay more for these inconvenient seats? You cannot even put a small handbag on the floor next to you, since the way to the emergency exit must always remain clear of objects. The passengers using these seats must also be in a position to open the exit in case of an emergency. So I cannot see who would pay more for inconvenient seats that offer more legroom. Not us birds. It reminds one of another airline that wanted to charge passengers for use of the WC. After passengers threatened a boycott, the airline’s CEO presented the whole thing as a joke.

Some good news now: An honest politician has been found. Where? In Croatia. His name is Josko Riza and he was voted in as mayor in Prolozac with a landslide victory. His slogan was "All for me - nothing for you."

As he explained, "I just told them the truth. This town will be like my family business. If I get a little something, so do they."

Locals voted for him because, to quote one: "We’re going to get ripped off no matter who takes over. At least he is being honest about it. And he has said that if things get better for him, then they will get better for us." Good advice to the U.K. members of parliament.

Ponder our thoughts, dear humans, for your benefit.
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