6,000 year old history comes to day light in Urla

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6,000 year old history comes to day light in Urla
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ağustos 08, 2006 11:53

6,000 year old history is coming to day light thanks to excavations in western city of Izmir's Urla town both on land and under water.

The excavations take place every summer at Iskele district of Urla. Excavations are conducted under the leadership of Dr. Hayat Erkanal, Chairman of the Archeology Department at Ankara University Language History Geography Faculty.

In an exclusive interview with the A.A, Dr. Erkanal indicated that excavations in Urla began in 1992. “As of the year 2000, we are conducting excavations both on land and in water,” said Dr. Erkanal. According to Erkanal, his team began working with academicians from Haifa University in 2000. “Underwater excavation took place with the help of academicians from the Haifa University,” remarked Dr. Erkanal.

Underwater excavations, which have been going on in Urla for the past six years, will for the first time be watched by residents of Urla on a giant tv screen. “This way, we plan to attract more attention to our excavations,” stressed Erkanal.Artifacts dating 6,000 years back have been found on site at Urla. Some of the found items belong to the Ionian civilization.
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