Ferai Tinc: Last Minute Plot to Turkomans

“On March 19, 2003, one day before the Iraqi War, a last-minute-bargain took place in the 11th floor of Sheraton Hotel in Ankara. Halilzad, Iraqi envoy of U.S. President Bush, put forward two conditions, to two Turkoman envoys, to take part in the interim government, which will be established after the removal of Saddam Hussein.

“The first of these conditions was admitting that the word of “Kurdistan” could be used in documents. The second one was approving the Selahaddin Treaty.
Haberin Devamı

“Turkomans refused to sign the agreement, which was reached by the opposition of Iraq in Selahaddin city, in the north of Iraq, a short while ago. The rationale behind this refusal was that this agreement foresaw the foundation of a federal Iraq after Saddam. Moreover the agreement included two articles foreseeing that Turkey would cut her interest with Iraq…It was impossible for Turkomans to accept such an agreement.

“Therefore, while all groups constituting Iraqi opposition attained a post in the Iraqi Interim Government, Turkoman Front and groups tied to it were excluded from the restructuring of Iraq.”

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