World leaders' quotes on Obama election win

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World leaders quotes on Obama election win
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 05, 2008 06:06

Democrat Barack Obama won an extraordinary two-year struggle for the White House, beating Republican John McCain to become the first black president in U.S. history. (UPDATED)

Following are quotes from world leaders:ABDULLAH GUL, TURKISH PRESIDENT
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"Indeed, you have been elected to lead your great nation at a time when the world is being tested politically and economically. Yet although these may be difficult times, we believe that they are also times for creating new opportunities that will bring about a brighter future for mankind. Your message of change and hope is one that meets the expectations of our day. It is a message that Turkey embraces," Gul said in a congratulatory letter he sent to Obama.

"Our partnership not only serves the best interests of our two countries, but also has particular importance as it contributes significantly to the preservation of peace, stability and security in a wide geography which includes the Middle East, the Caucasus, the Balkans, Central Asia and beyond. In this regard, I would like to reiterate our firm commitment to further enhancing our strategic partnership and cooperation with the United States, particularly in our common fight against terrorism, as well as to the promotion and dissemination of our shared values and culture of peace in our region and at the global level."

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"With this result, now we can say there is no longer a problem of black and white in the United States... I congratulate Obama and his team for their energy throughout the campaign process."NICOLAS SARKOZY, FRENCH PRESIDENT
"With the world in turmoil and doubt, the American people, faithful to the values that have always defined America's identity, have expressed with force their faith in progress and the future. At a time when we must face huge challenges together, your election has raised enormous hope in France, in Europe and beyond." HAMID KARZAI, AFGHAN PRESIDENT
"I applaud the American people for their great decision and I hope that this new administration in the United States of America, and the fact of the massive show of concern for human beings and lack of interest in race and color while electing the president, will go a long way in bringing the same values to the rest of world sooner or later."GORDON BROWN, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER
"Barack Obama ran an inspirational campaign, energizing politics with his progressive values and his vision for the future. I know Barack Obama and we share many values. We both have determination to show that government can act to help people fairly through these difficult times facing the global economy."MWAI KIBAKI, KENYAN PRESIDENT
"We the Kenyan people are immensely proud of your Kenyan roots. Your victory is not only an inspiration to millions of people all over the world, but it has special resonance with us here in Kenya."JOSE MANUEL BARROSO, EUROPEAN COMMISSION PRESIDENT
"We need to change the current crisis into a new opportunity. We need a new deal for a new world. I sincerely hope that with the leadership of President Obama, the United States of America will join forces with Europe to drive this new deal. For the benefit of our societies, for the benefit of the world."HU JINTAO, CHINESE PRESIDENT
"The Chinese Government and I myself have always attached great importance to China-U.S. relations. In the new historic era, I look forward to working together with you to continuously strengthen dialogue and exchanges between our two countries."ANGELA MERKEL, GERMAN CHANCELLOR
"I offer you my heartfelt congratulations on your historic victory in the presidential election.
"The world faces significant challenges at the start of your term. I am convinced that Europe and the United States will work closely and in a spirit of mutual trust together to confront new dangers and risks and will seize the opportunities presented by our global world."TARO ASO, JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER
"The Japan-U.S. alliance is key to Japanese diplomacy and it is the foundation for peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. With President-elect Obama, I will strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance further and work towards resolving global issues such as the world economy, terror and the environment."KGALEMA MOTLANTHE, SOUTH AFRICAN PRESIDENT
"Africa, which today stands proud of your achievements, can only but look forward to a fruitful working relationship with you both at a bilateral and multilateral levels in our endeavor to create a better world for all who live in it."STEPHEN HARPER, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER
"I look forward to meeting with the President-elect so that we can continue to strengthen the special bond that exists between Canada and the United States."KEVIN RUDD, AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER
"Senator Obama's message of hope is not just for America's future, it is also a message of hope for the world as well. A world which is now in many respects fearful for its future."HELEN CLARK, NEW ZEALAND PRIME MINISTER
"Senator Obama will be taking office at a critical juncture. There are many pressing challenges facing the international community, including the global financial crisis and global warming. We look forward to working closely with President-elect Obama and his team to address these challenges."SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO, INDONESIAN PRESIDENT
Indonesia especially hopes that the U.S., under new leadership, will stand in the front and take real action to overcome the global financial crisis, especially since the crisis was triggered by the financial conditions in the U.S."GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO, PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT
"We welcome his triumph in the same vein that we place the integrity of the US electoral process and the choices made by the American people in high regard. We likewise note the making of history with the election of Senator Obama as the first African-American president of the United States."ALI AGHAMOHAMMADI, CLOSE AIDE TO IRAN'S MOST POWEFUL FIGURE AYATOLLAH ALI KHAMENEI
"The president-elect has promised changes in policies. There is a capacity for the improvement of ties between America and Iran if Obama pursues his campaign promises, including not confronting other countries as Bush did in Iraq and Afghanistan, and also concentrating on America's state matters and removing the American people's concerns."SAEB EREKAT, AIDE TO PALESTINIAN PRESIDENT MAHMOUD ABBAS
"We hope the president-elect in the United States will stay the course and would continue the U.S. engagement in the peace process without delay. We hope the two-state vision would be transferred from a vision to a realistic track immediately."
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