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Markets gave an initial cheer to the moves to check the slump, with U.S. stock index futures rising more than 3 percent on Sunday evening, a sign the market could open up on Monday.
New Zealand's dollar was stronger. German stocks rose 5 percent in off-exchange trading with big jumps in bank stocks.
"They're stepping up to the plate with all their fire power. It is literally a financial, economic call to arms," Peter Kenny told Reuters.
"It is not going to be overnight but it is going to help a lot. It is going to take the edge of panic off market psychology," he said.
The plan backed by prime ministers and presidents from the 15 countries that share the euro currency included state guarantees for new medium-term bank debt and state injections of capital into banks, adding to help from the ECB to unfreeze commercial paper markets, which would provide companies with vital access to funding and help stave off an economic slump.
"The steps taken in Europe are very positive. European governments in the last 72 hours got religion and realized they have a serious problem to address," billionaire investor George Soros told reporters.
Details of how governments would buy stakes in banks are due to emerge during the week, starting with France, Germany and Italy on Monday."This is not a gift to banks but to help them function," French President Nicolas Sarkozy said, mindful of the public opinion backlash in the United States when Washington pushed through a $700 billion taxpayer-funded rescue plan for U.S. banks stuck with unsellable debt tied to the housing slump.