Car explosion kills three in Russian city

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Car explosion kills three in Russian city
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 25, 2008 09:59

A car exploded in Russia's second city, St Petersburg, on Tuesday, killing three people and seriously injuring a fourth, the Emergencies Ministry said.

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"At 8:55 (0555 GMT) a car containing a grenade exploded. Three people were killed, including a child aged between 2-1/2 and 3 years old," ministry spokesman Andrei Alyabev said.

The explosion took place near the city's Udelnaya metro station during rush hour.

Russian news agencies said the state investigation committee was looking into the explosion, which they said was motivated by murder, quoting sources within the organisation.

The dead, part of the same family, had taken the car as a taxi, Interfax news agency reported, adding that the driver was in hospital in a serious condition.

Russian state television channel Vesti-24 showed a battered car with splayed doors lying in the snow following the blast.

The station was not closed after the explosion, Alyabev said.

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