Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Aşırı Yoksullukla Mücadele Ve İnsan Hakları Özel Raportörü Prof. Philip Alston, İngiltere’de 1.5 milyonu açlık sınırının altında 14 milyon insanın fakirlik içerisinde yaşadığını belirterek “Aslında bu kötü durum bir gecede değişebilir” dedi. Prof. Alston, sosyal yardım poliçelerinin de cezalandırıcı, kötü niyetli ve hissiz olduğunu söyledi.
#Universal CreditMUMBAI - India's famous Bollywood composers, A. R. Rahman, won a Golden Globe award for best musical score with 'Slumdog Millionaire.' It is the first time an Indian has won a Golden Globe for composing in a country whose rich classical traditions have inspired oeuvres of global music.
General Electric said on Thursday it will look to spin off to shareholders its entire consumer and industrial unit, signaling it is ready to part with a much larger slice of its portfolio than just the 7 billion dollars appliance arm it has been seeking to sell.
The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors discussed and welcomed Thursday a new Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) of the World Bank Group with Turkey for 2008-2011. According to a statement by the World Bank, the strategy anticipates World Bank financing for programs of the Turkish government, or guarantee by the government, up to US$ 6.2 billion during the 4-year period.