Syrian President looks forward to Sezer's visit to Damascus

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Syrian President looks forward to  Sezers visit to Damascus
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 07, 2005 11:451dk okuma

In an interview on CNN Turk, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he was looking forward to the planned visit this month of Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer to Damascus, despite U.S. objections, adding that Sezer couldn't visit Syria if he didn't respect the Turkish nation.

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 Bashar said that the visit was important because it will go ahead despite U.S. objections. "Turkey, as an independent sovereign country, didn't allow the U.S. to interfere in Sezer's decision."

Al-Assad said that the two countries were friends as a result of his historical visit to Ankara last year. The Syrian President also stated that Damascus wasn't uncomfortable with regards to a Turkish presence in Iraq.

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