Iraqi parliament asks government to forego water deals with Turkey

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Iraqi parliament asks government to forego water deals with Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 12, 2009 14:04

BAGHDAD - Iraq’s parliament on Tuesday called on the government to forego partnership agreements with Turkey, Syria and Iran unless they affirm Iraq’s right to a bigger share of water in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

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The chairman of the water committee, Karim al-Yacoubi, said water levels have fallen to dangerous levels because neighboring countries take too much from the rivers and their tributaries.      Â


Al-Yacoubi said that parliament would insist on water-sharing provisions in any future agreements with the three countries.


Iraq is suffering from a major drought. The effects have worsened because of poor water management and dams that block the flow of the two rivers - the country’s main water source.

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