Attackers blow up strategic north Iraq oil pipeline

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Attackers blow up strategic north Iraq oil pipeline
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 06, 2009 17:56

An oil pipeline near the disputed oil-rich northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk was blown up early on Wednesday, interrupting pumping from 15 wells but not affecting exports, an official said.

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"At 3:00 am (midnight GMT) an unidentified armed group blew up the pipeline" running to the large Bai Hassan oilfield near Kirkuk, the official from the state-run North Oil Company told AFP.

"We were forced to interrupt pumping in 15 wells" because of the blast, the official said, adding that repairs will take up to seven days.

The North Oil Company produces 650,000-670,000 barrels of oil per day.

Although the attack is not expected to disrupt Iraqi exports to neighboring Turkey, it will affect production in Bai Hassan, one of the largest oilfields in the Kirkuk region, the official added.

Iraq has the world’s third largest proven reserves of oil at more than 115 billion barrels, behind only Saudi Arabia and Iran, but its oil installations have frequently come under attack by insurgent groups.

Photo is an archive image.

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