Iran pounds PKK and PEJAK hideouts in northern Iraq

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Iran pounds PKK and PEJAK hideouts in northern Iraq
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 30, 2008 14:521dk okuma

The Iranian army's artillery pounded terrorist PKK organization and PEJAK's, PKK's Iranian equivalent in Iran, hideouts at the Qandil Mountains in northern Iraq, the Anatolian Agency reported on Sunday. (UPDATED)

Haberin Devamı

Iranian artillery has been heavily pounding the Pisder region that stands between Iranian- Iraqi border since late Nov. 29, Jabbar Yawar, an official of regional administration in northern Iraq told Anatolian Agency.


Residents in the region fled to safer regions following the bombardment, the A.A. also said.


Turkey, provided with intelligence by the United States, raids on the PKK both inside Turkey and in northern Iraq.


Haberin Devamı

The PKK is listed as a terrorist group by Ankara and much of the international community, including the EU and the United States.


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