Turkey condemns deadly India attacks

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Turkey condemns deadly India attacks
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Kasım 27, 2008 13:352dk okuma

Turkish politicians have condemned Wednesday’s militant attacks in the Indian province of Mumbai during which nearly 100 people were killed and hundreds were wounded. (UPDATED)

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Turkey strongly condemns the deadly attacks, a statement released by the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.


"Turkey stands together with the Republic of India and the Indian nation against the trouble of terrorism which is the enemy of all mankind and it shares their sorrow and anger," the ministry's statement said.


Turkish President Abdullah Gul, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ali Babacan sent messages of condolence to their Indian counterparts following the incidents.


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"Terrorism is a crime against humanity. An effective fight against terrorism is possible only by the help of international cooperation and solidarity," Erdogan said in his letter of condolence he sent to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.


"In this content, I strongly condemn these heinous terrorist attacks in Mumbai," he said, adding that Turkey is committed to enhancing cooperation with India in the fight against terror.


Erdogan last week paid a formal visit to India last week where he met with his Indian counterpart and offered Turkey’s support in joint cooperation to end terror.


"The attacks in Mumbai once again showed that terror has no religion, nationality and country," Gul said in the message he sent to Indian President Pratibha Patil.


"Turkey, as a country that wishes to strengthen relations with India in the fight against terror, share the pain of the friendly Indian people", the Turkish president added. 


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