Turkey not to make its decision on 'Club Med' yet

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Turkey not to make its decision on Club Med yet
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 23, 2008 15:54

Turkey has been making positive assessments of the project of the Mediterranean Union, although it is still not clear that Turkey will join the project, Turkey's FM Ali Babacan told on Friday in a joint news conference with his Croatian counterpart.

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Turkey would attend the meeting on July 13 in France if it decides to join the project, Babacan told in a joint news conference with Gordan Jandrokovic, Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister of Croatia.   Â

"The actual problem is Turkey's decision to join projects on the 'Union for the Mediterranean'. Turkey has not yet made a decision. Assessments are underway. We should clearly see what the 'Unity for Mediterranean' is," he said.Â

EU leaders approved in March a French plan for a Mediterranean Union aimed at strengthening cooperation with countries from Morocco to Turkey. The project is to be officially launched at a summit of European and Mediterranean leaders in Paris in July. Â

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The proposal by French President Nicholas Sarkozy to form a loose grouping of Mediterranean countries has been seen as as an alternative for "Turkey's relations with the EU."

Babacan added Turkey did not want a shadow to be cast over its relations with France, adding he believed that problems would be solved one way or the other.

He also said efforts to wear out and dilute Turkey's full membership target contradicted the European Union's the principle of pacta sund servanda.

Jandrokovic said his country expected Turkey to complete its EU accession process successfully, adding Croatia closely watched the developments regarding Turkey's EU bid.

"We hope that Turkey will successfully complete such process," he said.

He also said speed and quality were two important factors in a candidate country's membership process, adding each country's route to the EU, the conditions and interests were different.Â

The EU opened entry talks with Turkey in 2005, but there has been little progress amid disagreements over Cyprus and opposition from France and other EU countries, including Austria and Germany.


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