Eleven PKK separatists killed in eastern Turkey

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Eleven PKK separatists killed in eastern Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 13, 2008 11:592dk okuma

Eleven PKK separatists were killed on Tuesday in clashes with the Turkish army in an eastern province of Turkey. The army launched a major operation against the PKK after a group of separatists attacked a gendarme post on Friday. (UPDATED)

Haberin Devamı

Eleven PKK separatists were killed on Tuesday by the Turkish army in clashes that occurred in the Hakkari province of Turkey after Friday's attack on Turkish gendarme headquarters, the Dogan News Agency reported.

The PKK had attacked an outpost in the southeastern province of Hakkari on late Friday and six soldiers had been killed in the clashes. Nineteen outlawed PKK separatists had also been killed during the clashes. According to official statements released by the Turkish army, more than 1,500 PKK terrorists have been killed in the last 18 months.    �

Turkish warplanes and artillery also targeted the terrorist organization PKK’s positions in northern Iraq on Saturday following the attack on the Turkish outpost.  �

Haberin Devamı

Turkey has stepped up military action against the PKK, which is listed as a terrorist group by much of the international community including the EU and the U.S., since December, carrying out several air strikes and a week-long ground incursion into northern Iraq in February, where it says more than 2,000 PKK separatists take refuge.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday the PKK had been isolated both in Turkey and abroad, adding the Turkish Armed Forces have been dealing a "new major blow" to the PKK over the last couple of weeks.

"Everyone has began abandoning terrorism and terrorists. And the terrorist organization will either renounce this path or it will be abandoned on this path," he told a parliamentary meeting of his Justice and Development Party (AKP).



"Terrorism can have no excuse and everyone has seen the inhumane face of the terrorist organization. And it is high time for those who have chosen the path of terrorism to see this fact," he said.

Erdogan said the government had been taking necessary measures "to overcome this menace," adding his government would soon announce a series of "new steps" to be taken to boost economic and social development in eastern and southeastern Turkey.

Erdogan also reiterated Turkey's cooperation with Iran against the outlawed separatists.

Turkish and Iranian officials signed last month a memorandum of understanding expressing their willingness to develop cooperation against terrorist activities and improve intelligence sharing.

Iranian artillery shelled on Tuesday the border villages in al-Sulaimaniya Province of northern Iraq with the aim of driving out outlawed PEJAK separatists, the website of the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani's political party, PUKmedia reported.

Turkey and Iran have been long fighting against terrorist movements operated by both the outlawed separatists PKK and its breakaway faction, the PEJAK.

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