Mehmet Yilmaz: Turkish president involved in ATV-Sabah sale

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Mehmet Yilmaz: Turkish president involved in ATV-Sabah sale
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 25, 2008 10:53

It has emerged that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a special effort to convince the Qatari Sheikh to partner with Turkey’s Calik Group for the sale of ATV-Sabah media company.

Any promises made to the sheikh during the sale process are likely to become clear in the near future with the upcoming privatization tenders.


In an article I wrote regarding this issue, I told that, "A secret between two people cannot stay silent for a long."


In fact, you can read an article in Hurriyet daily penned by Soner Gurel revealing that not only the prime minister, but also President Abdullah Gul were involved in the issue.


According to the Gurel's article, President Abdullah Gul presented Ahmet Calik to the sheikh during a visit to Damascus, where the three held a half-hour meeting.


For now, we do not know what was spoken at that meeting.


As a result of this sale, the AKP's efforts to develop a media entity faithful to the party seem to have been successful.


Of course, there will be ramifications for taking advantage of their political might and intervening in tenders.


In Turkey, the longer those who are steering the ship are in power the more they seem to be under the illusion that they will never loose this power. Bureaucrats in the government have also started to think along these lines.


Turkish history books are full of such examples.


There is just one point that I want to reiterate; tomorrow when they have to give up the seats they presently occupy, they will face the consequences of their actions today.

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