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Christofias and Talat are set to begin reunification talks in June after a three-month preparation period. Both have said they would seek a deal to reunify the island "as soon as possible." Peace negotiations have been stalled since 2004 when the Greek Cypriots rejected a UN blueprint which was accepted by the Turkish community. �
On Thursday the symbolic Ledra Street crossing was opened for the first time in 45 years as a significant milestone in efforts to reunify Cyprus. But Greek Cypriot police closed the crossing Thursday night for two hours claiming Turkish Cypriot police were seen patroling inside the buffer zone separating the two sides of the capital. The reopening of the gate came after the UN peace force held talks with the two sides.
The brief closure of the gate on the evening of the opening ceremony showed how fragile the situation is and how quickly problems could emerge as both sides cited different grounds for the gate's closure.