Turkey's AKP seeks a 'religious model', prosecutor says

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Turkeys AKP seeks a religious model, prosecutor says
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mart 15, 2008 13:321dk okuma

Turkey's chief prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya accused the governing AKP of trying to eliminate the principles of secularism and of seeking a model based on religion, according to the indictment.

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CNN Turk television reported Yalcinkaya presented audio and video tape evidence, in addition to the 162-page long indictment, to support his accusations.

According to media reports, the indictment accusses Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of statements that are the "focal point of the anti-secular actions." During a recent visit to Spain, Erdogan, in a response to a question about the headscarf, asked: "Even if it's a political symbol. Is it a crime to wear headscarf as a political symbol? Can you ban icons, symbols."

In another speach in Usak, Erdogan urged Turkish woman to have three children, stating also that criminals cannot be pardoned by the State, but by only the victim's family. The indictment also included questionable statement's of other AKP officials.

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The prosecutor also demanded 11 mayors be banned from politics. The indictment claims AKP mayors attempted to ban alcohol in public places.

"AKP's direction tends towards political Islam. The fundemantal of the political Islam is sharia," the indictment was quoted as saying by CNN Turk.



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