Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - EnglishYazarın Tüm Yazıları

Anti-Semitism costs a lot

I have touched on this subject but it is so important that I’d like to draw your attention once again.

Extremely pious segments in Turkey are continuing to use the current opportunity and to spread anti-Semitism.

Benefiting from Israel’s inhuman deeds in Gaza they abuse the events and have come to a point as far as hunting for Jews. Reactions to Israel have reached an extremely dangerous point where Turkish Jews, who have nothing to do with military movements, receive life threats or where they are not allowed into restaurants.

But what increases the severity of this course is the attitude of the AKP administration and especially of the prime minister.

Erdoğan’s sensitive approach in Israel matters is understandable. And so are his reactions, bearable up to some extent.

But his words are so harsh and his pace so fast that his approach stimulates radical pious groups and paves the way for them to take action. Even provides an opportunity. Because Erdoğan does not come out saying, "Fellows don’t confuse Jewish with Israel’s military movement. You have no right to target Turkish Jews. These attempts will be severely punished," it seems like he shuts his eyes to such deeds or even winks to them.

As if this is not enough, even the fund drive to our Palestinian brothers is continued with anti-Semitist slogans.

There is a truth that the prime minister does not know or secretly denies.

Israel is used to harsh reactions. Even Foreign Minister Livni says they understand Erdoğan’s reactions and that it is only natural that leaders behave this way to calm down the public.

But there is a limit to this understanding.

Erdoğan responded to the opposition that wants to break relations with Israel by saying, "We are leading a state." He responded with a verbal reaction meaning to break relations is something different.

By saying, "We are statesmen," he showed that he will not step in the opposition’s trap.

But I repeat once more, there is a limit to everything. The prime minister does the right thing by not breaking relations with Israel but on the contrary, he often slams Israel down in a brisk way that relations on their own come to a breaking point.

The public’s reactions and brewing Jew hunt may get out of control someday and the prime minister will find himself in a position where he must break relations under pressure from the public. Even if relations don’t break it will be perceived worse.

We all know what Israel is and means in this region. Even bad relations, not to speak of breaking relations, with Israel mean to break our relations with the United States. Especially if this is carried out by an administration like the AKP that is a repeat offender the same day there would be a campaign started all around the world saying, "Erdoğan wants to tear Turkey from the West, drag it into the darkness of the Middle East and turn it into Iran." In short, such a situation would mean burning bridges between the AKP and the secular democratic Western society.

I could already say that some in Washington are all ears listening to developments in Turkey carefully.

I don’t want to believe that Erdoğan will behave amateurish. He is not an imprudent person who would sign his own suicide. What I’m trying to do here is draw attention and show that the prime minister walks on thin ice.

It is in Turkey’s benefit to defend Israel’s right to live (even if the state of Israel does it already for itself) not to confuse Semitism and Israel politics, and to strictly oppose the cold-blooded attitude toward Palestine.

The Palestinians have the same right to live as the state of Israel.

Turkey is obligated to continue these two politics. The weight of our country in the region grows because of this. Putting more weight on one or the other will disturb all balances.

On top of it the bill would be way too high. Such a development would not be good for anything.

In respect to politics, the AKP would be labeled pious and amid an economic crises badly needed international funds for Turkey would vanish in no time. The bill would not only be paid by the AKP, but by the whole country.

And I, assuming the prime minister know all these facts, want to warn him by saying, "Be careful, the ice you’re walking on is getting thinner and thinner. There are even breaks to be seen in some parts."

This year in June there will be a European Parliament election. Among the candidates for nomination is Ali Yurttagül from the German Greens Party, whom I know very well. Yurttagül, who still is the political counselor for the Greens group, has worked in the European Parliament since 1985. Since that date no other person of Turkish origin could enter the Parliament, except elected politicians. Neither from Turkey nor those of Turkish origin who grew up in Europe. Yurttagül’s education and experience have a big share in his success.

Yurttagül’s election important for Brussels
The Greens have in recent years exhibited great effectiveness of their power in the European Parliament regarding Turkey. Yurttagül has a big influence in this effectiveness. Especially after elections in 1987 when Özal was elected in Turkey, the Greens and Yurttagül’s efforts played an important role in reviving relations with TBMM, meaning taking the decision draft for a Combined Parliament Commission out of the fridge and offering it for presentation. The Greens may criticize harshly from time to time but they are the only group that is persistent in Turkey’s membership.

Yurttagül’s election is not only important for Turkey but also for Brussels. Commission members will change in 2009. With great possibility Olli Rehn will no longer be the commissioner for expansion. The situation is not different in the European Parliament. Names like Cem Özdemir, Joost Lagendijk, Vurak Öger, Swoboda that are well-known in Turkey, are not candidates in the upcoming elections. If Yurttagül is not elected there will be nobody left in the Parliament who has monitored Turkish politics for the past 20 years. I hope that Greens in Germany are aware of the situation and support Yurttagül as necessary for him to become elected.
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