Turkey's power-gang-conspiracy-everything emporium

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Turkey’s Islamists should be privately feeling awfully grateful to their archenemy, the secularist military. If the men in uniform had not existed, who else could they have blamed their or their comrades’ own sins on, or construct cunning conspiracy theories? It could be disappointing for many foreigners, but Turkey’s evil "Invincible Armada" is not the evil Invincible Armada it is described as.

Take, for instance, the unprecedented anti-Americanism in Turkey. According to the Islamists, anti-Americanism measured most recently at nearly 80 percent, possibly the highest in the world, because of the Kemalists.

It is true that anti-Americanism is widespread among Turkey’s secularists (not secular Turks), but one has to be as naive as a six-year-old not to see that the Islamists often invent a linkage between Kemalism and anti-Americanism not necessarily because it is a fact, but because of their rather childish efforts to highlight their face value across the Atlantic: Not them, we are your friends; please support us!

With an elementary knowledge of mathematics, and a little bit of statistics, we can simply find out to which ideology most of Turkey’s anti-American majority should belong to:

Step 1: What is the percentage of Turks who are sensitive about secularism? July 2007 told us that ratio is at around 20 percent.

Step 2: What is the percentage of Turks who are sympathetic to any scale of political Islam? Again, July 2007 told us that ratio is at a minimal 50 percent.

Step 3: What is the level of anti-Americanism in Turkey? According to the last PEW survey, it is nearly 80 percent.

Step 4: Can it be mathematically/ statistically/ scientifically significant to assume that the 20 percent secular-minded Turks can make the 80 percent anti-American Turks? Even if we assume all secular Turks are anti-American, which Turks would make the remaining 60 percentage points who are also anti-American?

Amusingly, we are living at times when we should not be surprised if we read in a newspaper column that the terrorist attacks on Mumbai targets were in fact the work of a secret Kemalist organization. I personally suspect the Mumbai attacks could have been masterminded by the Ergenekon gang, if they are not secretly related to a special section of the Turkish General Staff.

Why do I think so? Well, it is because Islam is a "religion of peace" and therefore no one would kill in the name of Islam. Therefore, the terrorists can only be the Kemalists disguised as Islamist militants.

I also suspect that the coal sacks distributed by the Justice and Development Party, or AKP’s central and/or municipal teams to the poor, but were eventually found at a brothel should be a plot by the Turkish military to undermine "democracy" in Turkey.

As I have started revealing military secrets, let me reveal more. We know that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, when recently asked in Washington for his view about Iran’s nuclear ambitions, retorted that, "those who possess nuclear weapons do not have the right to tell others to not acquire them too."

Why did he make that odd statement, despite his pragmatic sympathy for America? I reveal: Shortly before he made that speech he had been drugged by a Kemalist team in Washington led by the Turkish military attache and some of his senior aides who secretly work for a Kemalist underground cell, tasked with taking over the "cause" if Ergenekon comrades were eliminated.

And why has Turkey’s champion reformist Mr Erdogan adopted an increasingly strident nationalist line? Well, I have learned the answer from the Economist:

"There is talk of Mr Erdogan’s having struck a deal with Turkey's new, hard-line chief of staff, Ilker Basbug, according to which Mr Erdogan has promised to freeze reforms that dilute the army's power in exchange for his party's not being attacked in court again."

Ah, without the military telling him to do so, the champion reformist, Mr Erdogan, would not have sued a record number of writers, columnists and cartoonists, and, a few years earlier, demanded a prison sentence for a lady who had merely held out a placard that read, "Whose prime minister are you?" Similarly, it was terribly undemocratic of General Basbug to convince Mr Erdogan that torture should visibly increase under his governance, and, most recently, that the champion reformist should demand a prison sentence for a cartoonist depicting him as a donkey.

But it was probably the army commander, General Isik Kosaner, who whispered into Mr Erdogan’s ears that the Turks should defend themselves with guns if Kurdish demonstrators went astray. And it was probably some other top brass who told Mr Erdogan to invite unhappy Kurds "to go wherever they please."

No doubt, without the generals on his neck, Mr Erdogan would deserve the Nobel Peace Prize in addition to the World Liberalism Trophy and the Most Reformist Islamist Award along with the Most American-Friendly Islamist Medal.

How about Turkey’s power-gang-conspiracy-everything emporium’s now systematic failure to keep its private parts private? That should come in another article.
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